1. Why is this person important?
Parmenides of Elea is a Greek philosopher who
lived in Italy. He was not only a philosopher but also a poet and a scientist.
One reason why he is so important is because he is said to have founded the
first medical school along with 3 other people. (There is still some
controversy on whether this is true or not). This medical school created a
basis for Western medicine and used the information from great scientist and
philosophers like Galileo. Parmenides of Elea not only affected the medical
world but also western philosophy. Thus he is important because his ideas still
affect the modern world.
2. Why did you choose this person?
How does her/his life relate to you?

3. If she/he had never existed,
would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
If he never existed
I imagine that philosophers that have heard of his ideas would not have been
able to develop some of their own ideas. I say this because philosophers
usually use the ideas presented before them to make their own opinions, that
could be to disagree, agree or to even improve upon an idea made before them.
If he never existed the first medical school may have not been created when it
4. If you could meet that person,
what would you ask her/him?
If I could meet
this person I would ask them what he thinks of the world now especially with
all of the advances made. I would ask him if all of this technology is just
another mask for what reality is as one of his ideas was that perception hides
5. Do you think the fact this
person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
I believe so
because at the time there were so many developments in the Italian society thus
I feel that he had so many ideas to create his own philosophies off of.
Very interesting and articulated answers, Alexandria. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Unfortunately, Parmenide was a Greek man and so we can not include him among the "italiani famosi" ...