Galileo Galilei
Galileo is an Italian astronomer and mathematician, who was on of the first people to build a basic telescope strong enough to see as far into space as the rings of Saturn, sunspots, and the surface of Venus. His extensive discoveries have named him the father of modern astronomy. In modern science, his drawings from using his basic one lensed telescope to see into space match almost exactly to high definition photos taken by advanced robotic satellites and cameras.
2. Why did you choose this person? How does her/his life relate to you?
When I was a sophomore in high school, we first learned more extensively about Galileo; he was one of my favorites from that class, since I also like astronomy, which I took my junior year after learning about Galileo. Also, when I learned that he had made such remarkable discoveries, than put on house arrest for them made me feel sympathetic towards him, making me like him more.
3. If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
I believe that if Galileo did not invent the basis for the modern telescope, astronomy would have turned out much differently. Sure, eventually someone would have come up with an idea similar to his, but it may not have been the same, or it may have been ignored in the world of science, no matter its measure of genius. Galileo was recognized as a scientist, which is why his drawings were taken more seriously then they might have it been had it been another person. But, no matter what, science would have been greatly delayed without this discovery, and his drawings to hold as proof.
4. If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
I would ask Galileo how he ended up getting so involved with astronomy. He was also involved in many other branches of science, such as physics, but he is more widely known for his astronomical achievements. I would also ask if he thought it was worth it, being under house arrest and cast out of the science world for hundreds of years.
5. Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
I don't think the fact that Galileo was Italian had any influence on his discoveries; science is open to anyone who has a hunch and can follow it through. Galileo was able to pursue his ideas not because he was an Italian man, but because he was a man who had access to the sky and still needed more access to understand it better.
You chose a great man, Jordan. Thirsty for knowledge, but at the same time very reflective. His actions during his trial have been analyzed many times because very controversial. He has been so discussed that (maybe you know it already) Bertold Brecht wrote a play about him. It worths your time if you like Galileo ;)