Michael Farina
Italian 101
Cultural Activity
1.Why is this person important?
Bentio Mussolini was a man, that in many ways, changed Europe and history forever. He was the leader of the National Fanciest party in Italy and major ally with Hitler during World War 2. He helped with one of the most influential events in our earths history. Known for wanting to bring Italy back to its Roman supremacy, he was truly a delusional man who was a major player in WW2. Without Bentio who knows what Italy would have done in the time period, let alone how they may have turned out without the shadow of Mussolini moving into the modern age. What might have happened if Italy was not involved in World war 2 on the losing side?
2. Why did I choose this person?
I choose Bentio Mussolini to shed light on his importance in WW2 as well as to show the things he did to the italian nation, and how his people really felt about him after the war. I have always found in interesting how his own people in his country hung him from a meat hook after the war. His iron grip dictatorship was slowly built, on his ability to over throw pervious prime ministers and shove his new fascist agenda on Italy. Although his new political system wasn't in the right intentions of the people. His constant concern for not only the past, but making Italy great again was something that almost seems out of character for a evil man. But Mussolini had a very strong sense of nationalism and love for his country.
3. If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
The world could have been a very difference place without Mussolini. To think that if Hitler had one less ally in WW2, many less young men would have died. There wouldn't have been such a drawn out war without a entire other nation backing Hitler in central Germany Not only that but the entire political system of Fascism would never be in this world. Italy might have a entirely difference place in the world at this point without Mussolini. The damages caused on his own country in war debt and just personal issues he caused his own country were deep wounds that are hard to heal.
4. If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
I would want to ask what it felt like to let down the people of your country. I cant imagine being a leader, and being so selfish to my own goals. Mussolini lost scope on reality with his delusional thoughts of brining Italy back to its Roman state. He lost the fact that his people might suffer along the way. He became a ruthless dictator, and I would just want to know if he realized what he had done. I want to ask Mussolini if he really thought Hitler was on the "good" side. I have so many questions for this man. I want to know everything about why he decided to be with Hitler and storm the war on.
5. Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
The fact that Mussolini was italian only influences his main goal of rising Italy back to its hight of Roman times. Other then that, his italian genetics did not play a role in his life. The Fascist manifesto could have been written by any country. He made the world seem like there was no nationalism and Italy was at the pinnacle of Nationalism with Mussolini's Fascist manifesto. Which is simply not true, any country could show their nationalism the way Mussolini did. He had just happen to be taking control and moving forward in his "career" at the right time to align himself with a powerful man in Germany named Hitler.
2. Why did I choose this person?
I choose Bentio Mussolini to shed light on his importance in WW2 as well as to show the things he did to the italian nation, and how his people really felt about him after the war. I have always found in interesting how his own people in his country hung him from a meat hook after the war. His iron grip dictatorship was slowly built, on his ability to over throw pervious prime ministers and shove his new fascist agenda on Italy. Although his new political system wasn't in the right intentions of the people. His constant concern for not only the past, but making Italy great again was something that almost seems out of character for a evil man. But Mussolini had a very strong sense of nationalism and love for his country.
3. If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?

4. If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
I would want to ask what it felt like to let down the people of your country. I cant imagine being a leader, and being so selfish to my own goals. Mussolini lost scope on reality with his delusional thoughts of brining Italy back to its Roman state. He lost the fact that his people might suffer along the way. He became a ruthless dictator, and I would just want to know if he realized what he had done. I want to ask Mussolini if he really thought Hitler was on the "good" side. I have so many questions for this man. I want to know everything about why he decided to be with Hitler and storm the war on.
5. Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
The fact that Mussolini was italian only influences his main goal of rising Italy back to its hight of Roman times. Other then that, his italian genetics did not play a role in his life. The Fascist manifesto could have been written by any country. He made the world seem like there was no nationalism and Italy was at the pinnacle of Nationalism with Mussolini's Fascist manifesto. Which is simply not true, any country could show their nationalism the way Mussolini did. He had just happen to be taking control and moving forward in his "career" at the right time to align himself with a powerful man in Germany named Hitler.
Mussolini cast a dark shadow on Italy and he still does, somehow. He was a dictator, absolutely true. He took Rome using force, not democracy (Marcia su Roma). But then he has also been a loved leader and after the armistice this created a conflict: some people were still living on the ideology he started, some refused it and fighted against it, to conquer freedom and have democracy again. It has been a controversial figure and I thank you, Michael, for sharing your thoughts about him.