I thought that it was really interesting to
learn about the different time periods and how they related to the Italian poetry.
I think there was definitely a good point made: In American literature there
always has been a variety…it’s more eclectic, however; there have been general
styles that were more popular during certain times. That doesn’t mean that they
dominated that era, nor does it mean that it was directly linked to the events/occurrences
of the time, as in Italy. The two pieces that I found the most enjoyed were the
one that used comedy to depict a scene in which there were people getting ready
to go to war and the last one, which was much different than the others because
it used many sounds to express ideas. The poetry reading really wasn’t what I
had expected. I figured I would show up, and they would read the poetry solely
in Italian and there would be no English spoken. Jazmine’s lesson that
accompanied the poetry was a pleasant surprise. I especially appreciated the
gestures that accompanied the poetry by Professoressa Zampolli because it made
more clear what she was speaking, as well as being entertaining. I am curious
if there is a connection between the names given to the different periods since
some of them are numerically relavent, while others are not. For example, there
are “duecento,” “Trecento,” “Seicento,” “settecente,” “ottocento,” and “novecento.”
These aren’t exactly creative, but they aren’t all numbers. I think that it is interesting
that poetry, which has played such a large role in Italian culture/society, no
longer is significant in daily life, yet in our country, good poetry is still
something that people create/appreciate. It is very common for us to have
poetry readings, or poetry slams. It is especially popular in a coffee shop
setting. There is something very alluring and hip about it yet to us. This may
be due to it never holding extreme importance for us. It has always been
something that was treasured purely for its art-form, not because it was
actually important.
Italiani famosi
This project is developed as part of the ITALIAN 101 course at Susquehanna University, PA. The students were asked to do some research about a famous Italian person and then respond to some questions. Here are their answers.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Galileo Galilei by Julie Carroll
Thermometer |
Galileo Galilei
1. Why is this person important?
Galileo was known as the father of science. He was a physicist who invented the telescope and the thermometer, things that we still use to this day (only more modern). He also helped start the scientific Revolution.
2. Why did you choose this person? How does her/his life relate to you?
I chose Galileo because when I was younger me and my father would stargaze together. It was a bonding experience between the two of us. We would look through a telescope and figure out where the big dipper was or what the phases of the moon where. I also choose him because he was one of the starters of the Scientific Revolution the very begining of the changes to come. Come on he was even thrown in jail because of what he did, for what he stood by.
If Galileo had never existed we wouldn't have what we do today. The thermometer helps us when we are suffering from sickness helps us know if we have a fever or not or tells us how warm or cold it is outside. If we didn't have a telescope what would astronomers do? How would we know if there was a meteor headed for earth? If he never existed the scientific revolution might not have gotten off of the ground. He helped start it and helped make the world what it is now, more technology more ways of dealing with problems we face everyday.
4. If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
If I could meet Galileo I would ask him what it was like to live in that time period (1564-1642). How was it to help start the Scientific Revolution...did he have any fears? What about when he was arrested by the Catholic Church? (If you don't know he was arrested because they thought he was in suspicion of heresy and was kept under house arrest the rest of his life). What was it like to be who he was, to think the way he did to try and speak out for what he believed in knowing people would fight back. That a higher authority was held over him that could change fate in a matter of seconds those are my questions for him.
I chose Galileo because when I was younger me and my father would stargaze together. It was a bonding experience between the two of us. We would look through a telescope and figure out where the big dipper was or what the phases of the moon where. I also choose him because he was one of the starters of the Scientific Revolution the very begining of the changes to come. Come on he was even thrown in jail because of what he did, for what he stood by.
3. If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
If Galileo had never existed we wouldn't have what we do today. The thermometer helps us when we are suffering from sickness helps us know if we have a fever or not or tells us how warm or cold it is outside. If we didn't have a telescope what would astronomers do? How would we know if there was a meteor headed for earth? If he never existed the scientific revolution might not have gotten off of the ground. He helped start it and helped make the world what it is now, more technology more ways of dealing with problems we face everyday.
If I could meet Galileo I would ask him what it was like to live in that time period (1564-1642). How was it to help start the Scientific Revolution...did he have any fears? What about when he was arrested by the Catholic Church? (If you don't know he was arrested because they thought he was in suspicion of heresy and was kept under house arrest the rest of his life). What was it like to be who he was, to think the way he did to try and speak out for what he believed in knowing people would fight back. That a higher authority was held over him that could change fate in a matter of seconds those are my questions for him.
5.Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
I dont think that just because Galileo was Italian meant anything to his achievement. It could have been any person in his field to discover the thermometer or the telescope. He just happened to be Italian and that's just who he was. I think it was just the way he was, a man who pushed himself to find the truth and pushed for people to realize that there is more out there then what a few people tell you (Ex. The Catholic Church at the time).
I dont think that just because Galileo was Italian meant anything to his achievement. It could have been any person in his field to discover the thermometer or the telescope. He just happened to be Italian and that's just who he was. I think it was just the way he was, a man who pushed himself to find the truth and pushed for people to realize that there is more out there then what a few people tell you (Ex. The Catholic Church at the time).
Monday, September 23, 2013
Leonardo Da Vinci by Nickey Sanders
is this person important?
Leonardo da Vinci was a
painter, a sculptor, architect, and engineer. He was a main influence in the
Italian Renaissance era. He contributed in two different fields: art and
science. His contributions were different than any other because of the way he
connected the art and science together in way that could be seen as a “creative
dualism”. His four main focuses were painting, architecture, mechanics, and an
outline of human anatomy. These contributions not only helped in the field of
science, in accordance to the 1.5:1 ratio which is known as the “Golden Ratio”,
it also worked towards influencing the future art in a dramatic way.
did I choose this person?
I chose this
person because I am looking to be an Art History major and therefore have a
deep focus on art.
you could meet this person, what would I ask them?
Is Mona Lisa
smiling or not? Also, what drove you to your focus on the connection of science
and art?
you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her
The fact that
Leonardo da Vinci was Italian played a major role in success. Not only has this
played a major role, but the time period made a major impacted as well.
Leonardo da Vinci lived during the time of the Renaissance, which was a period
of exponential artist growth. In addition to the focus on artistic growth, the beginning
of the Renaissance also started in Italy, which was the center of the most
attention. In this way, the fact that Leonardo da Vinci lived during the
Renaissance as well as in Italy irrefutably made an impact on his fame.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Laura Pausini
Laura Pausini
Why is this person important?
Laura Pausini is an Italian singer, producer, and songwriter. Laura is important because she has won several music awards such as a Latin Grammy Award, and a Billboard Music Award. She was the first Italian female to win a Grammy back in 2006. She was also the first non Spanish person to sell over a million records in Spain. It is very hard to be a female in the music industry in general, and the fact that she has won so many awards is outstanding.
Why did you choose this person? How does her/his life relate to you?
I chose Laura Pausini because she is music artist and I can relate to her because I have an immense passion for music. I play guitar and I love to write music. She's a song writer and a producer which is what I want to do when I'm older. I want to be a producer in the music industry. I feel like I can relate to her. She shows me that women can strive in the music industry too.
If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
If she never existed I don't think the world would be different from how we know it now. Yes she contributed to the music world, but I don't think she impacted the world in a major way. I think the world would be the same if she never existed, but if she was Michelangelo it would be a different story.
If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
If I could meet Laura Pausini I would like to ask her how does it feel to be a female in the music industry? What is your songwriting process? Is it hard to main a personal life because of your career? What music artists do you look up to? Why do you love music?
Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
I don't believe her nationality played a role in her achievement. If she was a different nationality I think she would still be successful. Her determination and hard work is what led her to the road to success.
Why is this person important?
Laura Pausini is an Italian singer, producer, and songwriter. Laura is important because she has won several music awards such as a Latin Grammy Award, and a Billboard Music Award. She was the first Italian female to win a Grammy back in 2006. She was also the first non Spanish person to sell over a million records in Spain. It is very hard to be a female in the music industry in general, and the fact that she has won so many awards is outstanding.
Why did you choose this person? How does her/his life relate to you?
I chose Laura Pausini because she is music artist and I can relate to her because I have an immense passion for music. I play guitar and I love to write music. She's a song writer and a producer which is what I want to do when I'm older. I want to be a producer in the music industry. I feel like I can relate to her. She shows me that women can strive in the music industry too.
If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
If she never existed I don't think the world would be different from how we know it now. Yes she contributed to the music world, but I don't think she impacted the world in a major way. I think the world would be the same if she never existed, but if she was Michelangelo it would be a different story.
If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
If I could meet Laura Pausini I would like to ask her how does it feel to be a female in the music industry? What is your songwriting process? Is it hard to main a personal life because of your career? What music artists do you look up to? Why do you love music?
Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
I don't believe her nationality played a role in her achievement. If she was a different nationality I think she would still be successful. Her determination and hard work is what led her to the road to success.
Enzo Ferrari by: Anthony Senese Jr.
Enzo Ferrari
By:Anthony Senese Jr.
1. Why is this person important?
Enzo Ferrari, the iconic founder of the world renown Italian luxury car known
as Ferrari. As a young boy being interested in cars and especially racing, Enzo
later created Scuderia Ferrari in 1929. Scuderia Ferrari is the racing sector
of Ferrari which deals with Formula 1 cars. Enzo’s Scuderia Ferrari is noted to
the oldest team in Grand Prix racing and most successful in F1 racing.
2. Why did you choose this person? How does her/his life relate to you?
I chose Enzo Ferrari because Ferrari is my favorite car and being Italian made
it also gives me a sense of pride and admiration that Italians created such a
beautiful and dynamic piece of machinery. Although I do not race cars we relate
to each other by being the same nationality and sharing an interest in automobiles.
3. If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
If Enzo Ferrari never existed the world would be a different place than now
because it would be missing a man that started an amazing automobile and racing
series known to man.
4. If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
If I could meet Mr. Ferrari my first question would be “May I drive a
Ferrari?!” I would ask about his life and what really lead him to create such
an amazing car. Hopefully by the end of our conversation we would become friends.
5. Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
Yes, I believe the fact that Enzo Ferrari was Italian played a role in his
achievements because Italy is a very prominent figure in the world involving
luxury, innovation, quality of life, culture, fashion, and many more. The fact
that Enzo constructed a car that met such criteria and possibly exceeded it just
adds to the history of the nation. Italian is such a beautiful language and the
whole aura of Ferrari would not be the same if he was not Italian.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Benito Mussolini
Michael Farina
Italian 101
Cultural Activity
1.Why is this person important?
Bentio Mussolini was a man, that in many ways, changed Europe and history forever. He was the leader of the National Fanciest party in Italy and major ally with Hitler during World War 2. He helped with one of the most influential events in our earths history. Known for wanting to bring Italy back to its Roman supremacy, he was truly a delusional man who was a major player in WW2. Without Bentio who knows what Italy would have done in the time period, let alone how they may have turned out without the shadow of Mussolini moving into the modern age. What might have happened if Italy was not involved in World war 2 on the losing side?
2. Why did I choose this person?
I choose Bentio Mussolini to shed light on his importance in WW2 as well as to show the things he did to the italian nation, and how his people really felt about him after the war. I have always found in interesting how his own people in his country hung him from a meat hook after the war. His iron grip dictatorship was slowly built, on his ability to over throw pervious prime ministers and shove his new fascist agenda on Italy. Although his new political system wasn't in the right intentions of the people. His constant concern for not only the past, but making Italy great again was something that almost seems out of character for a evil man. But Mussolini had a very strong sense of nationalism and love for his country.
3. If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
The world could have been a very difference place without Mussolini. To think that if Hitler had one less ally in WW2, many less young men would have died. There wouldn't have been such a drawn out war without a entire other nation backing Hitler in central Germany Not only that but the entire political system of Fascism would never be in this world. Italy might have a entirely difference place in the world at this point without Mussolini. The damages caused on his own country in war debt and just personal issues he caused his own country were deep wounds that are hard to heal.
4. If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
I would want to ask what it felt like to let down the people of your country. I cant imagine being a leader, and being so selfish to my own goals. Mussolini lost scope on reality with his delusional thoughts of brining Italy back to its Roman state. He lost the fact that his people might suffer along the way. He became a ruthless dictator, and I would just want to know if he realized what he had done. I want to ask Mussolini if he really thought Hitler was on the "good" side. I have so many questions for this man. I want to know everything about why he decided to be with Hitler and storm the war on.
5. Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
The fact that Mussolini was italian only influences his main goal of rising Italy back to its hight of Roman times. Other then that, his italian genetics did not play a role in his life. The Fascist manifesto could have been written by any country. He made the world seem like there was no nationalism and Italy was at the pinnacle of Nationalism with Mussolini's Fascist manifesto. Which is simply not true, any country could show their nationalism the way Mussolini did. He had just happen to be taking control and moving forward in his "career" at the right time to align himself with a powerful man in Germany named Hitler.
2. Why did I choose this person?
I choose Bentio Mussolini to shed light on his importance in WW2 as well as to show the things he did to the italian nation, and how his people really felt about him after the war. I have always found in interesting how his own people in his country hung him from a meat hook after the war. His iron grip dictatorship was slowly built, on his ability to over throw pervious prime ministers and shove his new fascist agenda on Italy. Although his new political system wasn't in the right intentions of the people. His constant concern for not only the past, but making Italy great again was something that almost seems out of character for a evil man. But Mussolini had a very strong sense of nationalism and love for his country.
3. If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?

4. If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
I would want to ask what it felt like to let down the people of your country. I cant imagine being a leader, and being so selfish to my own goals. Mussolini lost scope on reality with his delusional thoughts of brining Italy back to its Roman state. He lost the fact that his people might suffer along the way. He became a ruthless dictator, and I would just want to know if he realized what he had done. I want to ask Mussolini if he really thought Hitler was on the "good" side. I have so many questions for this man. I want to know everything about why he decided to be with Hitler and storm the war on.
5. Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
The fact that Mussolini was italian only influences his main goal of rising Italy back to its hight of Roman times. Other then that, his italian genetics did not play a role in his life. The Fascist manifesto could have been written by any country. He made the world seem like there was no nationalism and Italy was at the pinnacle of Nationalism with Mussolini's Fascist manifesto. Which is simply not true, any country could show their nationalism the way Mussolini did. He had just happen to be taking control and moving forward in his "career" at the right time to align himself with a powerful man in Germany named Hitler.
Mario Balotelli
Why is this person important?
Balotelli is a professional Italian soccer player who currently plays as a
striker for the soccer club AC Milan and the national Italian team. He has
previously played for Inter Milan and Manchester City, winning the Italian
league championship three times and has won the English league championship
once. He also lead the Italian national team to a second place finish in the
2012 UEFA European Championship. His
stand against racism in soccer has been revolutionary earning him a spot on the
cover of the renowned sports magazine Sports
Illustrated. He is one of the most iconic soccer players in the world and a
huge part of Italian sports.
Why did you choose this person? How does her/his life relate to
chose Mario Balotelli because he is one if not the most influential figures in
sports. I also love soccer and see him as one of the faces of the sport. His
stance against racism greatly relates to me as it an issue that I also find
very controversial. He is an inspiration to me on and off the field.
If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from
how we know it now? Why?
Balotelli had never existed the world of sports would be much different. The
soccer clubs of Inter Milan and Manchester City would not have won those
championships they did with Balotelli as he was a key component on the teams,
often scoring many goals and providing assists to lead the teams to victory.
Also, his stance on racism has been so influential that if not for him, racism
in soccer would still be moderately, though not excessively, tolerated. He was
the first to take drastic measures to end it, something that has helped shape
sports today.
If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
If I
could meet Balotelli I would ask him of where he finds the courage to do what
he does. He has walked off the field and refused to play when he hears racist
chants, even if they’re directed at the opposing team. I would like to know how
he is able to put his playing career at risk in order to stand up for what he
believes in, something always revered but never easy to do.
Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in
his/her achievement?
do believe Balotelli being Italian has influenced. If not for him being Italian,
soccer may not have been as much of a presence in his life as it usually is in
Italians living in Italy as soccer is the biggest sport there; therefore, he
wouldn't have been able to make his presence known in the world. Also, the fact that he is Italian has also played a role in his stance against racism as he is
able to fight any racism directed towards Italians or any other race.
Jordan Moslowski cultural project, Galileo
Galileo Galilei
Galileo is an Italian astronomer and mathematician, who was on of the first people to build a basic telescope strong enough to see as far into space as the rings of Saturn, sunspots, and the surface of Venus. His extensive discoveries have named him the father of modern astronomy. In modern science, his drawings from using his basic one lensed telescope to see into space match almost exactly to high definition photos taken by advanced robotic satellites and cameras.
2. Why did you choose this person? How does her/his life relate to you?
When I was a sophomore in high school, we first learned more extensively about Galileo; he was one of my favorites from that class, since I also like astronomy, which I took my junior year after learning about Galileo. Also, when I learned that he had made such remarkable discoveries, than put on house arrest for them made me feel sympathetic towards him, making me like him more.
3. If she/he had never existed, would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
I believe that if Galileo did not invent the basis for the modern telescope, astronomy would have turned out much differently. Sure, eventually someone would have come up with an idea similar to his, but it may not have been the same, or it may have been ignored in the world of science, no matter its measure of genius. Galileo was recognized as a scientist, which is why his drawings were taken more seriously then they might have it been had it been another person. But, no matter what, science would have been greatly delayed without this discovery, and his drawings to hold as proof.
4. If you could meet that person, what would you ask her/him?
I would ask Galileo how he ended up getting so involved with astronomy. He was also involved in many other branches of science, such as physics, but he is more widely known for his astronomical achievements. I would also ask if he thought it was worth it, being under house arrest and cast out of the science world for hundreds of years.
5. Do you think the fact this person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
I don't think the fact that Galileo was Italian had any influence on his discoveries; science is open to anyone who has a hunch and can follow it through. Galileo was able to pursue his ideas not because he was an Italian man, but because he was a man who had access to the sky and still needed more access to understand it better.
Parmenides of Elea
1. Why is this person important?
Parmenides of Elea is a Greek philosopher who
lived in Italy. He was not only a philosopher but also a poet and a scientist.
One reason why he is so important is because he is said to have founded the
first medical school along with 3 other people. (There is still some
controversy on whether this is true or not). This medical school created a
basis for Western medicine and used the information from great scientist and
philosophers like Galileo. Parmenides of Elea not only affected the medical
world but also western philosophy. Thus he is important because his ideas still
affect the modern world.
2. Why did you choose this person?
How does her/his life relate to you?

3. If she/he had never existed,
would the world be different from how we know it now? Why?
If he never existed
I imagine that philosophers that have heard of his ideas would not have been
able to develop some of their own ideas. I say this because philosophers
usually use the ideas presented before them to make their own opinions, that
could be to disagree, agree or to even improve upon an idea made before them.
If he never existed the first medical school may have not been created when it
4. If you could meet that person,
what would you ask her/him?
If I could meet
this person I would ask them what he thinks of the world now especially with
all of the advances made. I would ask him if all of this technology is just
another mask for what reality is as one of his ideas was that perception hides
5. Do you think the fact this
person was Italian played a role in his/her achievement?
I believe so
because at the time there were so many developments in the Italian society thus
I feel that he had so many ideas to create his own philosophies off of.
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